ClickBid 13.0.250319 Release

March 21, 2025


  1. Event Central>Live Broadcast: Updated verbiage
    1. Added a youtube video top right
    2.  Changed header text "How do you plan to send..." to Tap “Open Broadcaster” to start sharing your camera/mic now.
    3. Changed "WebRTC RealTime Software"  to  "WebRTC Advanced"
    4. Changed "RTMP Streaming Software"  to   "RTMP Advanced"
    5. Under WebRTC Advanced add the video and verbiage under 'public viewer link'
      1. added Verbiage: Event Broadcasting Tutorial
      2. Inserted hyperlink:

    6. Under the tab RTMP Advanced add video and verbiage under "Note verbiage"
      1. add Verbiage: Event Broadcasting Tutorial
      2. Inserted hyperlink (same as above)

  2. (Virtual Venue)
    1. Landing Page Builder>Free Form content blocks: Allowing the character limit to be greater than 120K.
      • The rest of the content blocks are limited to 4000 characters
    2. Event Tickets>Ticket page settings>Ticket Form name can not be named the same as a current ticket page.
  3. Text Messaging: 
    1. Added 200 additional URL shorteners to the block list.
    2. Auction Settings>Butler Settings: Changed the verbiage 'The use of URL shorteners is not permitted.' color from black to red to make it more noticeable
    3. Bidders>Text Bidders: Changed the verbiage 'The use of URL shorteners is not permitted.' from black to red to make it more noticeable.
  4. (Virtual Venue) Manage Items>When the Set Item Availability is set to Checked in Bidders anyone without a checked in tag will not be able to view the items in the auction. 
  5. (Virtual Venue) Auction> When there are no visible (Active/Closed) donation item set up in 'manage items' we are not displaying the donate button on the auction site.
Issues Resolve:
  1. Merchant Report>Unreconciled payments will move to Reconciled when a ticket registration is deleted before the payout is processed. 
  2. Legacy: Donations/TTG>Manage Donations: The completed date is blank if there is an incomplete donation
  3. Virtual Venue: Manage Items>Donation item: 'Show totals on bid site' under the Projected Display settings is corresponding if it's set to Yes or No. 
  4. Buter>
    1. Checkout: 
      1. When adding multiple credits using the 'credit' item type to a quantity item the credit amounts are being applied so there is not a negative balance. 
      2. Once the 'complete checkout' button is clicked it's now being disabled so duplicate charges do not happen.
      3. When selling more than 1 of the same live item type the checkout totals are matching to allow the checkout.
      4. Bidders:
        1. Merging bidders is not allowing duplicate phone numbers if a number already exists in manage bidders. 
  5. (Legacy)Event Tickets:
    1. Sales Summary: The sorting fields for 'Table' is sorting by numeral and alpha characters 
    2. Ticket page: When a custom question under 'modify tickets' is set to 'not active' the ticket sale can be processed.
    3.  Manage Guests: Custom questions are not displaying in the table gridview.
  6. (Virtual Venue) Landing Page & Landing Page Builder: If a donation item under manage items is a P2P without a background color selected the Landing Page and Landing page builder is displaying correctly. 
  7. Legacy & Virtual Venue:
    1. Manage Items>Batch update for 'Raise' Column is adding the appropriate amount to the table grid view for the items selected when doing the batch update. 
    2. Items > Manage Items: FMV will no longer be editable on item gridview for donation items.
  8.  Donation item>Appeal
    1. When using a donation item type with the appeal, selecting the "Custom Image Thermometer" theme and adding a bid through the Butler appeal using "placeholder" will result in the bid being displayed as "anonymous" on the appeal display screen.
    2. Donation item> Projected Display settings: When using the 'Custom Image Thermometer' the numbers are displaying without boarders.
  9. (Virtual Venue) Manage donors when the 'donor display name' field is blank the 'Donated by' is not displaying on the item in the auction.
  10.  Bidders:
    1. Manage Bidders 
      1. Max bidding on an item functions correctly; if a bidder has a max bid set and their bidding number is changed, the system continues to allow others to place max bids.
      2.  When merging bidders the 'merge bidder' button is disabled after clicking it the first time until after the merge has been completed. 
      3. The merging of bidders without phone numbers is functioning as expected.
    2. Text Bidders:
      1. The filter' Winning Bidders not checked out & No card on file' is sending to only those who do not have a card on file and still need to checkout
  11. (Virtual Venue)Event Tickets:
    1. Guest update link page is displaying the notes field.
    2.  Guest update link email is sending when a ticket purchase is placed and 'Allow Guest Updates' is set to 'Yes'
    3. Ticket Receipt: When purchasing a donation or quantity item via check on the ticket page the 'Payment Type' on the receipt displays: Check - payable to.
    4. Ticket page settings: Deselecting a quantity or donation item is now an option.
    5.  Ticket Page:
      1. When a ticket has a set limit for drop downs to display on the ticket page only those amounts will display for purchase.
      2. Purchasing quantity items on the ticket page is allowing checkout when multiple quantities are being purchased.
  12. Manage Guests & Manage Bidders> phone numbers are no longer duplicating when turning guests into bidders. 
  13. Integrations > Neon: All campaigns will show when exporting sales.
  14. (Virtual Venue)Manage Items: Exceptions will now display in the item details.
  15. Welcome: Event Totals are displaying the correct totals for donations and Quantity items purchased through the ticket page.

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