ClickBid 12.3.240730 Release

July 30, 2024



  1. Bidders > Text bidders and Bidders > Email bidders: Automatic mass messaging has been added to the software.
    1. “Notification Contact” tab has been added:
      1. This area will be empty when creating or copying an event.
      2. The option is offered to send the Notification Contact a test message to ensure that they are receiving these alerts.
      3. The contact listed here will receive an automatic notification to their phone as well as email 10 minutes prior to the scheduled send time, acting as a reminder as well as an opportunity to cancel the message. 
        1. Text message:
        2. Email message:
      4. If the message receiver opts to cancel a message and would like to re-add it to the que to send, select the "copy" button on the composed text/email. This enables the option to set a new time and determine if the message is going out automatically, or manually.
    2. Under “Compose a Text” the auto send dropdown box has been added:
      1. The option to manually send the text message still exists, a “desired send time” is still required to allow the message to be saved in the composed texts/emails library.
      2. When auto sending a message, "Yes" will need to be selected under “Auto Send,” as well as a send time for the message to automatically go out.
      3. When opting to use Auto Send, note that the send time MUST be set 10 minutes in the future. Anything that needs to be sent sooner than that timeframe can be sent manually, or immediately after the message has been drafted. The auto-sent messages cannot be sent within 10 minutes of each other.
      4. Under the Composed Texts/Emails tab, it is noted:
        1. Any messages that are currently set to send automatically will be highlighted yellow. 
        2. If it is not an auto message, the message will be gray. 
        3. Auto send messages that were canceled are highlighted in red. The cancellation is documented on the communication along with the time it was canceled. 
          1. This message can be copied, edited, including re-setting the time, and sent again. 
          2. This will create the message on a new line so both the new message and the canceled message will be present.
  2. Items > Manage Items > Batch Update: Items can now be renumbered in a batch update. 

  3. Reports > Event Sales Report: This report will include a bidder number for a ticket purchase if one is present, including when merging bidders. 
  4. Training/Support > Training Hub/How to Articles: "Best Practices" has been changed to "How to Articles."
    1. Throughout the software: best practice links were updated to new “How to Articles." 
  5. API Settings : Added additional endpoints for GET & POST

Issues Resolved:

  1. Integrations > Neon:
    1. Export Sales:
      1. When selecting an account from the magnifying glass and exporting the sale, the First/Last name and Contact ID is saved in the NeonCRM Match column. 
      2. Ticket sales will now export properly when a ticket purchaser keeps a credit card on file.
  2. Event Central > Live Broadcast > Open Broadcaster: Video of the live broadcast and the start/stop button are now displaying properly. 
  3. Organization > API Settings: Create token will now work properly and be created when saved. 
  4. Event Tickets: Ticket purchases will no longer display "processing” and the purchase will go through normally.















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