Release Notes

ClickBid Release Notes - 5.4.2 | ClickBid

Written by Matthew Burnell | Feb 7, 2018 5:00:00 AM


  1. On the bidding site, when registering for a new bidder number, we now validate the credit card before creating the bidder record. If the validation fails, the user is returned to the form to correct the credit card info and does not receive a bidder number until that has been completed.
  2. Upon signup for an account, we now default the contact info from the signup form to the statement footer for all auction purchase receipts.
  3. Upon signup for an account, we now default appeal denominations for the appeal item.
  4. Manage items has been improved for usability.  There is now an edit icon near the item name that can be clicked to enter edit mode for the item. A larger icon is now available for bid history and a legend for these as well as how to delete an item have been added to the page.
  5. The custom welcome text message section was enhanced as well with additional info and examples of what to use to customize the message.
  6. The Account Status page was cleaned up with respect to additional event dates.
  7. The appeal display will now include both incomplete and completed TTG donations if the ‘include TTG’ checkbox is checked.

Issues addressed

  1. When submitting a new bidder form both from the bidding site and the admin site, one could enter only spaces and the system would accept the entry.
  2. The ‘Go back’ button from item bid history was redirecting to a deprecated page.
  3. The signup date was being updated when an account added a 2nd/3rd/4th event date.
  4. Editing tickets with a discount code was receiving an incorrect message about spaces in the discount code.
  5. The Max Bidding on/off toggle was not displaying correctly.
  6. When attempting to purchase another feature using an invoice sales code before the admin was activated, the invoice being produced was inaccurate.