Release Notes

ClickBid Release Notes - 4.2.1 | ClickBid

Written by Matthew Burnell | Sep 24, 2015 5:00:00 AM


  1. Pre Checkout Receipts now has a message rather than a submit button when there are no statements to be viewed.
  2. Account Status Page
    1. Event date is now displayed on this page
    2. Once event is complete (event date past and all items closed) a renew button is added to this page so that an event can renew anytime they want for the next event.
  3. Text2Give
    1. Using ClickBid’s short code, an organization can now have donors give through texting. The donor pays by credit card using ClickBid or Mind processing.’  They are also prompted to enter their email address if they want a receipt emailed.
    2. A new menu item taking you to the Text2Give donations list. Text donations can be filtered/sorted/exported like any other data in the admin.’  If the donation has not been completed, a text can be sent to the donor. After completion, an emailed receipt can be resent from this page as well.
    3. The Text2Give list is only available for US events (because the shortcode only works in the US and you need the shortcode to send responses to the donor).
  4. Menu options
    1. Manage Tickets  changed to Ticket Page Settings  and moved to the bottom of the list
    2. Moved View Ticket Sales  to top of list
    3. Added Text2Give  for US events
  5. Appeal items now show the amount given when the item is closed and the auction is closed.
  6. The user is now sent a welcome text when [chk] check in page is completed.
  7. A new text area was added to Event Settings to allow user to enter a Text2Give receipt footer text.
  8. Ticket Sales export now divides multiple line items into their own entry in the exported spreadsheet.

Issues Addressed

  1. Changing the event prefix for an account was causing an issue when logging in with the new prefix.
  2. In-app purchase of add-on features with an invoice sales code would not complete successfully.