Release Notes

ClickBid Release Notes - 4.1.305 | ClickBid

Written by Matthew Burnell | Jun 29, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Bug Fixes

  1. Duplicate item numbers were possible this has been revised in both the admin and’ database.
  2. Changing a bidder number in the admin caused issues in other parts of the app. The’ My Bids page was inaccurate and items that those bidders had bid on may not have’ accepted other bids.


  1. The entire ticket page was rewritten. There should be no noticeable changes to the’ end user, but this will allow for changes to be made a lot easier than before.
  2. An Item’s location has been added to the bidder’s statement. This will show up in the’ pre checkout receipt
  3. From our online ticket sales page, the ticket purchaser no longer automatically’ receives a bidder number.
  4. Wording on the pre checkout receipt set up page was updated to be more accurate as’ to what the user can do.
  5. The section Titles on the ticket page are now customizable.
  6. There is now a confirmation message that can be added to the ticket configuration.’ This will be used rather than our default. If left blank there is a default that will be used.