ClickBid Blog

Mastering the Art of Paddle Raises: A Webinar Recap

Written by Caroline Price | Aug 21, 2024 3:00:13 PM

Recently, ClickBid, Bolder Events, and The Gala Team joined together to present an insightful webinar, "Raising the Stakes: Mastering the Art of Paddle Raises for Nonprofit Success." This session explored the evolution of donor engagement and provided valuable tips for maximizing fundraising efforts through paddle raises.

The Changing Landscape of Donor Engagement

Over the past two decades, donor engagement has undergone significant transformations, largely due to the internet and the digital world. Technology has revolutionized the nonprofit sector by introducing:

While these advancements have opened up new possibilities, they've also presented challenges for nonprofits in selecting the right tools for their needs.

Choosing the Right CRM and Event Software

When selecting a CRM, nonprofits should consider platforms that offer:

  1. Automation and workflows: Help streamline tasks and improve efficiency.
  2. Donor contact records and task reminders: Ensure your team stays on top of communication for a personalized touch.
  3. Analytics and reporting capabilities: Guides your team to make data-driven decisions and optimizes your fundraising efforts. 

For event software, key features to look for include:

  1. Ticketing platform with sponsorship management
  2. Item management with an online donation form
  3. User-friendly event module for day-of-event activities
  4. Live streaming options for virtual and hybrid events
  5. Knowledgeable and responsive tech support

Additional considerations for event software include:

  • Cost (remembering that there's "no such thing as free software")
  • Ease of use for donors
  • Communication abilities
  • Onsite support for day of event activities such as check-in and check-out

It's important to note that leveraging the right technology can significantly maximize revenue for nonprofits.

Top 10 Tips for Successful Paddle Raise Events

Reggie Rivers, professional auctioneer from The Gala Team, shared his extensive experience and top 10 tips for running a successful paddle raise event:

  1. Always Include a Paddle Raise: Don't miss the opportunity or forget to ask for donations at every event.
  2. Issue Physical Paddles: Provide every attendee with a paddle number, starting at #100 for easy readability for your auctioneer.
  3. Foster a Team Atmosphere: Encourage a sense of community and collective participation for amplified fundraising efforts.
  4. Have Multiple Bid Recorders: Have three people independently record bids for accuracy.
  5. Engage Couples: Encourage joint decision-making for high-value donations.
  6. Incorporate a Mission Moment Video: Creating an emotional connection with donors is important, keep it simple by telling the story of one person, one patient, one family.
  7. Avoid Fancy Fonts on Paddles: Use clear, bold fonts on paddles for easy identification from a distance.
  8. Secure a Lead Donor: Pre-arrange a lead donor to kick off the paddle raise at the highest giving level. This sets a positive tone and encourages others to contribute.
  9. Time it Right: Complete the paddle raise before 9 PM when energy levels are still high and attendees are engaged.
  10. Make Direct Asks: Studies show that asking directly increases the likelihood of donations. Personal connections and direct requests can significantly boost fundraising results.

By implementing these strategies and leveraging the right technology, nonprofits can master the art of paddle raises and drive greater success in their fundraising efforts. For those who missed the live event, we encourage you to watch the full webinar recording to gain even more insights and practical tips. The detailed discussions and expert advice shared during the session can provide invaluable guidance for your next fundraising event.


Remember, continuous learning and adaptation are key to staying ahead in the ever-evolving world of fundraising. Take the time to invest in your knowledge and skills - your future campaigns will thank you for it!

Special Thanks to Our Expert Partners

We'd like to extend a special thank you to our webinar partners, Bolder Events and The Gala Team, for sharing their expertise and insights.

Bolder Events is a leader in event planning and management, specializing in creating impactful experiences for nonprofits. Their team brings a wealth of knowledge in organizing successful fundraising events that engage donors and drive results. To learn more about Bolder Events, please click here.

The Gala Team, led by professional auctioneer Reggie Rivers, offers unparalleled expertise in benefit auctions and paddle raises. Their strategies have helped countless organizations maximize their fundraising potential. To learn more about The Gala Team, please click here.